Saturday, May 9, 2020

Interesting Cemeteries

Cemeteries you may and may not know of.

Cemeteries arent usually tourist destinations, but if you are near any of these places, take the time and visit.

1. Arlington Cemetery Virginia USA.

This was originally part of George Washingtons estate by the marriage to Martha Fairfax. Later Robert E. Lee married Washingtons granddaughter and took over. At the start of the Civil War he left due to its proximity to Washington DC. Union troops occupied it and used it as a field hospital and cemetery. Over the years it became a national cemetery for military veterans. John F Kennedy and the Tomb of the Unknown are notable burials.

2. Sulewasi Indonesia - Toraja cliff tombs and the walking dead. 
Funerals in the Toraja culture can take several years. The dead arent interred and are kept in the home...essentially mummified until preparations are finalized. This involves a feast and preparation of the tomb. A detailed explanation can be found at

3. Lafayette Cemetery, New Orleans La. USA

                                                                               photo by Rusty Travel Trunk

  The city's first planned cemetery, but not the oldest, it is notable for the architectural significance of its tombs and mausoleums, often containing multiple family members, and for its layout, a cruciform plan that allowed for funeral processions. This cemetery has been the location for many movies and music videos.

4. The hanging coffins of China on the Yangtze.

Practiced by the Bo people of China, this practice dates back 3000 years. There are many theories why this was done. A detailed explanation can be found at

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Candi Borobudur

Candi Borobudur
Candi is the name for temple in Indonesia. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. The temple consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, topped by a central dome. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty. Two other temples are associated with Borobudur, Mendut and Pawon. They line up in a straight axis and its assumed because of that and the proximity they were related.

 In 1814 while Java was temporarily under British control the temple was rediscovered. Since then several restorations have been done with studies ongoing. In 1985 an Islamic extremist group damaged it with 9 small bombs, and looting has also taken its toll. In 1991 UNESCO granted world heritage status to the site. Its built with granite and has over 1000 carved panels and features. Its located north of Jogjakarta in central Java, Indonesia.

The brown trout (Salmo trutta)

The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is a fish native to Europe. They have been stocked all over the world...especially by the brits. Sometimes browns make sea runs in waters where they can get big enough to go to sea. Then they get much bigger and reach 10lbs plus. A Brown can live for 20 years and because of that can be a very smart, wary fish to catch. They feed mainly on insects, Mayflies, caddis and stoneflies until they reach about 16 inches and then become aggressive meat eaters. Frogs, baitfish and even mice become fair game for these fish. At this point they become extremely wary and often feed mainly at night. That makes them extremely challenging for the angler.