Saturday, April 18, 2020

Lang Tho Xuong Hue 2020 Empress Tu Du

Lang Tho Xuong - tomb of Empress Tu Du in Hue Vietnam

Empress Tu Du was the wife of Emperor Thieu Tri. She was known as an attentive mother to Tu Duc the 4th Emperor. She was also known for caring for her people and cutting taxes. Từ Dụ played a significant role in the dethronement of Hiệp Hòa, whom was a pro-French emperor, and enthroned Kiến Phúc. Her life spanned almost the entire Nguyen Dynasty. Her tomb is above and behind her husbands. 

The tomb has the traditional entry columns and a half moon pond in front. A delicate terra cotta lattice work makes up the railings around the terraces and pond. Unfortunately this is in very bad shape as most of the stucco and art work inside the tomb. A wooden pavilion or some structure that used to be in front of the tomb entrance is now gone. I am thinking it might have held a steele  or some sort of marker.

The day I went, there were 2 locals visiting, I assume they left the flowers. After they left the place seemed to have a surreal feel. Maybe the spirit of Tu Du still lingers. Its quite beautiful with the pine trees and isolated hillside. I had contacted the Hue Monuments Commission about information on Kien Trung Palace and they let me suggest some documentation ideas for the site to prepare it for restoration. Lets hope they can get this tomb on their restoration schedule. 

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